Ernest Sosa and Stephen Stich, both Board of Governors Professors of Philosophy at Rutgers University, are this year’s winners of the Lebowitz Prize for Philosophical Achievement and Contribution. The prize is awarded annually by Phi Beta Kappa in conjunction with the American Philosophical Association (APA). Each winner receives an award of $26,500.
The Lebowitz Symposium by Sosa and Stich at the APA’s Pacific Division meeting in April 2017 will address intuition in philosophical methodology. A public talk sponsored by Phi Beta Kappa will follow at a later date.
ERNEST SOSA (ФВК, University of Miami, 1984) is a leading epistemologist and is among the most influential philosophers of the last half-century. He is the author of many articles and books, including Judgment and Agency (Oxford University Press, 2015). He edits the journals Noûs and Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
STEPHEN STICH (ФВК, University of Pennsylvania, 1962) is widely known for his work in the philosophy of language, epistemology, the philosophy of mind, and moral psychology. He was part of a major interdisciplinary research project of the Arts & Humanities Research Council in the UK, Culture and the Mind, which investigated the philosophical consequences of the impact of culture on the mind.
The Lebowitz Prizes were established in 2012 by a bequest from Eve Lewellis Lebowitz in honor of her late husband, Martin R. Lebowitz, a distinguished philosophical critic.
The deadline for the 2017 Lebowitz Prize is November 1, 2016. For information, write to Laura Hartnett,