
Writing Interns stock photo

Meet Key Reporter’s Writers for Fall 2024

The Society’s Writing Internship Program serves new ΦBK members who are looking for an opportunity to gain professional experience and support ΦBK’s mission to advance excellence in the liberal arts and sciences in higher education.

Phi Beta Kappa Writing Internships

Intern with a nationally recognized organization in Washington, D.C., while working remotely! The Phi Beta Kappa Society is seeking writing interns to help publicize the work of the Society and write stories about our alumni members. Applicants must be new members of Phi Beta Kappa within their first or second year to be considered for this position.

Frederick M. Lawrence photo

From the Secretary: Free Expression on Campus

The third star on the Phi Beta Kappa key, in addition to the two for learning and morality, is for friendship. This kind of friendship is not only for those with whom we agree. It is also for those with whom we disagree about key fundamentals but with whom we share a community. 

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Alumni Notes

Phi Beta Kappa members make a difference in the arts and sciences, and in our everyday world.

Jensen and Sibley Fellowships Provide Funding for Advanced Research by Women Scholars

Katherine Brion, associate professor of art history and museum studies at New College of Florida, and Ella Kirsh, a Ph.D. candidate at Brown University, are this year’s winners.

Smarty Pants Podcast

Exploding the Canon

A new podcast series from Phi Beta Kappa’s magazine, The American Scholar, explores student protests at Reed College, signaling an era of change not only in our institutions of higher learning but in our culture.

Key into Public Service

Service Scholarship for Next-Gen Changemakers to Strengthen Democracy and the Public Good

Drawing inspiration from notable Phi Beta Kappa members who have contributed their expertise, experience, and pursuit of excellence to the public, the Society proudly announces the 20 recipients of the Key into Public Service scholarships.

Philosophical Siblings cover

Book Notes: Philosophical Siblings by Jane F. Thrailkill

Shortlisted for the 2023 Christian Gauss Award, Philosophical Siblings examines the relationship of William, Henry, and Alice James from the perspective of “play” as theory.

Sarah Kane

ΦBK Member Sarah Kane to Study Galactic Archaeology at Cambridge as Marshall Scholar

“A liberal arts education encourages students to look at the bigger picture, to meet people who are different from themselves, and to embrace skills and perspectives that they might not gain solely from their own major.” —Sarah Kane (ΦBK, University of Pennsylvania)

Myth America cover

One Myth That Does Not Have to Be Debunked

Take a journey with ΦBK members Kevin M. Kruse and Julian E. Zelizer as they discuss the urgency needed to dispel historical myths. Their anthology, Myth America: Historians Take On the Biggest Legends and Lies About Our Past explores and revises some of the most malicious interpretations of American history.

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Interview: Liberal Arts, Theoretical Physics, and the Purposeful Life

Matthew Kleban (ΦBK, Reed College) is Department Chair of Physics at New York University. His research interests include string theory, theoretical cosmology, and particle physics.

Molina Lecture

Creating Connections through the Visiting Scholar Program with Natalia Molina

As one of the nation’s leading Hispanic-Serving Institutions, University of California Irvine invited Molina to discuss in greater depth her book A Place at the Nayarit: How a Mexican Restaurant Nourished a Community.