By Anne Tria Wise
Phi Beta Kappa is thrilled to present the Wisconsin Science Festival with the Key of Excellence Award and its $10,000 prize at an evening reception celebrating the arts and sciences on October 16 in Madison. Steve Paulson, executive producer and interviewer for Wisconsin Public Radio’s “To the Best of Our Knowledge” will emcee the event.
The Wisconsin Science Festival ( is a statewide celebration of creativity and scientific discovery.
“It was chosen for its exemplary efforts to blend science with the arts and humanities to cultivate curiosity, inspire discovery, and grow knowledge among citizens of all ages and backgrounds. Last year 32,000 people in 20 cities across Wisconsin participated in more than 100 interactive exhibits, workshops, and conversations with leading researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison,” said Phi Beta Kappa Secretary John Churchill.
The festival truly showcases the fruits of the public’s investment in higher education. For a taste of their programs, please join us for h’ors d’oeuvres and cocktails on Thursday, October 16 at 5:00pm at the Town Center at Discovery Building in Madison. Registration for you and a guest is complimentary but space is limited. To RSVP, please contact Rhiana Quick at
Do you know a state of the art program that engages communities with both the arts and sciences? We invite interested parties to nominate organizations for consideration for Phi Beta Kappa’s Key of Excellence Awards by completing a brief form. For more information, please visit
Anne Tria Wise is the director of the National Arts & Sciences Initiative at Phi Beta Kappa. She can be reached at (202) 745-3230 or