“If you asked him why he was always reading in the window in the library, his answer was always similar: if you’re like me, and you love to learn, and you want to learn, you’re accumulating a debt. That debt can only be repaid by publishing something or learning something or discovering something or doing something that adds back to nature and a knowledge base that you enjoy learning about. That is something that’s stuck with me in my life.”
—Barney Graham (ΦBK, Rice University), renowned virologist, Time Hero of the Year, and 2021 Service to America Medal Federal Employee of the Year recipient, when asked for advice to today’s students, offered a quote from his mentor James Walker (ΦBK, Rice University).
Inspired by many Phi Beta Kappa members who have shaped the course of our nation through local, state, and federal service, the Society announces the 20 recipients of the Key into Public Service scholarships. The award recognizes exemplary liberal arts and science majors with a demonstrated interest in public sector work.
Aylar Atadurdyyeva, University of Kansas
Miguel Coste, University of Notre Dame
Noelle Dana, University of Notre Dame
Grace Dowling, Clark University
Brandon Folson, Loyola University Chicago Justin Fox, University of Maryland-College Park
Sora Heo, University of California-San Diego
Alec Hoffman, Clark University
Samiha Islam, SUNY Buffalo
Ruthie Kesri, Duke University
Katherine Marin, University of Florida
Sondos Moursy, University of Houston
Olivia Negro, Ursinus College
Emily Geigh Nichols, Stanford University
Paul Odu, University of Missouri
Vaidehi Persad, University of South Florida
Diba Seddighi, University of Tennessee
James Suleyman, Roanoke College
Jonah Tobin, Williams College
Muskan Walia, University of Utah

Chosen from nearly 900 applicants attending Phi Beta Kappa chapter institutions across the nation, the Key into Public Service Scholars hail from 17 states. These high-achieving college sophomores and juniors display notable breadth and depth in their academic interests, ranging from a chemistry major who is also minoring in economics and gender studies to an international studies, microbiology, and political science triple major.
“The Society selected the 2022 Service Scholars for their intellectual curiosity; breadth and depth across liberal arts and sciences coursework; positive contributions on and off campus through academic research, internships, and community work; and demonstrated commitment to serve others,” Phi Beta Kappa Secretary Frederick M. Lawrence said. “As the world grapples with concurrent health, economic, democratic, and climate crises, the Society hopes that its scholarship award encourages more of our nation’s top students to apply their pursuit of arts and sciences excellence in service of the greater good.”
Each scholar will receive a $5,000 undergraduate scholarship and take part in a conference in June 23-35 in Washington, D.C. to provide them with training, mentoring, and reflection on pathways into active citizenship from leading service organizations.
The Society extends hearty congratulations to the students, their families, their faculty mentors, and campus institutions. Help us celebrate the Class of 2022 Service Scholars by reading their individual profiles at pbk.org/servicescholars.