
The Far-Reaching Influence of the Roman World: Interview with Christopher B. Krebs

Krebs is the author of A Most Dangerous Book, this year’s winner of the Gauss Award for literary scholarship and criticism.

Innovations in Teaching: Ashes2Art

Arne Flaten (ΦBK, Saint Olaf College, 1989) works with students to digitally reconstruct ancient monuments through hands on research and 3D computer modeling.

McDaniel College Honors Zengel Sisters

Scholar-scientists Janet Zengel Messer and twin sister Janice Zengel are inducted as alumni members at McDaniel College.

Watching the Lights Go Out

Physician David Hilfiker (ΦBK, Yale University, 1964) adds his perspective to Alzheimer’s by blogging about his own struggle with the disease.

Global Warming and the Fate of Greenland: Interview with Philip Conkling

A co-author of this year’s Science Book Award winner explains why we should all be paying close attention to what is happening in Greenland.

College: What It Was, Is, and Should Be

Andrew Delbanco (ΦBK, Harvard University, 1972) visits Washington College to discuss his latest book, College.

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Our Annual Book Awards Winners

ΦBK Book Awards are given each year for outstanding scholarly works in the liberal arts and sciences. Read about this year’s winners.

Tiered Tuition Threatens Liberal Arts Education

Florida college students in the liberal arts may soon be paying higher tuition rates than their peers in technical fields.

The Power of Books

Nina Sankovitch (ΦBK, Tufts University, 1984) began reading one book a day after the death of her sister. She discusses the many benefits of a reader’s life, beyond the healing.

Is the Examined Life Worth Living?

Interview with James Miller, chair of Liberal Studies and professor of politics at The New School, and the author of Examined Lives: From Socrates to Nietzsche.

“But Wait! There’s More!” Seeing Beyond the Score

Measuring non-cognitive attributes could provide insight into an applicant’s potential success at a given institution, ultimately improving its retention rates.

Garreth Heidt Named Teacher of the Year

ΦBK member Garreth Heidt has been named Teacher of the Year by the Touchstones Discussion Project, which fosters critical thinking and social skills through class discussion.